Friday, March 9, 2007

You're Kidding Me: China Lectures The U.S. On Human Rights

Are you serious? Just goes to show you how active the Chinese propaganda machine is, and what lengths they will go to. The average American will find this article FUNNY! CFA responds in Blue

"Injustice of the judiciary is quite shocking," the Chinese report states. "In some cases, defendants were sent to jail without a guilty plea or a trial, or tossed from their homes without a proper proceeding.

Yes, well anyone deemed a threat by a grand jury (like someone suspected of child rape) will await trail in jail. But, China should keep in mind a Jury put them there and that while in jail they can rest assured they will be able to keep their organs.

"Abuses in U.S. prisons are also common. The United States is the only country in the world that allows the use of police dogs to terrify prisoners," it added.

Yes, dogs help keep prisoners in line and are used as protection if a riot were to break out. But somehow this does not compare the serious torture and cutting out of organs. And oh yes, these prisoners have also had a fair trial and were sentenced to prison by a jury of their peers, not by a blood and organ thirsty government, like is done in China.

"We urge the U.S. government to acknowledge its own human rights problems and stop interfering in other countries' internal affairs under the pretext of human rights," said the lengthy report.

Ya, CFA urges China to stop cutting open people who practice a religion or who are Falun Gong practitioners. When you end up in a U.S. prison it's because you've raped, murdered, and injured. Free speech is not a crime here. Perhaps China ought to be pointing the finger toward themselves.

You know, their lash out against the U.S. speaks volumes as to the pressure they must be feeling.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yes indeed they are feeling the pressure so much that just today i read the communist regime are to legislate anti cult laws that will really stamp out Falun Gong (they hope.)

What a sick joke, they already do what ever they want to Falun Gong practitioners now including removing our organs while we are still alive to sell for lucrative profits .

This so called legislation is the communist regimes way of trying to gain legitimacy from the international community to murder innocent Falun Gong.

Source: Xinhua

One of my children asked "well what comes under the definition of a cult in China?

Answer: Anyone that believes in Truth Compassion and Forbearance.