Monday, March 12, 2007

A Story of Torture

Google Falun Gong, Torture, and China... you'll find a literal library of anecdotal horror. Yet another story of why the U.S. should steer clear of the CCP. Tell me how they can claim the U.S. has bad human rights!

Winston Liu is a University of Calgary mechanical engineering PhD student who was arrested and detained several times in China for practicing Falun Gong. In 2001, both Liu and his wife, Yao Yue, were arrested for downloading and disseminating material about the Falun Gong. They were sentenced to three and 12 years in jail, respectively. During his time in jail, Liu said he was interrogated until fatigued and suffered various forms of torture, including sleep deprivation and physical abuse with an electric baton. He was also forced to sign documents recanting his faith.

According to the United Nations Falun Gong Human Rights Working Group, part of the Chinese government's disinformation campaign includes telling the public that Falun Gong causes people to die or go insane

Despite continued persecution, practitioners of Falun Gong, both within and outside China, risk apprehension in their quest to reveal the brutal realities facing fellow practitioners.

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