Friday, March 9, 2007

Falun Gong Sue Jiang Zemin

I sure wish these law suites had some teeth, I'm afraid they don't but at the very least they help illustrate the growing body of knowledge of how miserable the CCP is to it's citizens. CFA Thanks Jana for sharing the article.

A civil lawsuit against former leader of the Chinese Communist Party Jiang Zemin, may see the Australian courts set a precedent on the extent diplomatic immunity can protect foreign members of state.

Ms Zhang was detained in 2000 and tortured for eight months after appealing in Beijing for an end to the persecution of the spiritual practice, Falun Gong. She is suing Jiang Zemin for wrongful arrest, torture and false imprisonment.

Red China, more than most, would fall into the category of a foreign state that has little respect for the law or human rights.

Late last year, an Amnesty International report highlighted China's deteriorating human rights record across a range of areas, including freedom of speech and spiritual practice. Worse still a recently updated report compiled by former Canadian secretary of State, David Kilgour, and internationally respected human rights lawyer, David Matas has concluded that thousands of Falun Gong practitioners have been incarcerated without trial and slaughtered to service China's lucrative organ transplant business.

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