Wednesday, January 24, 2007

For the Record: The Honorable David Kilgour

You decide... Mr. Kilgour, Human Rights Organizations, or one Mr. Wu


Anonymous said...

And for the record, Harry Wu's bio:

Wu is funded by the NED, and have received numerous international awards for his China democracy advocacy.

Anonymous said...


What's your point, Anon (aka Sunday Service, aka Bobby Fletcher)? I'm not getting it...

That David Kilgour is wrong and Harry Wu is right?

Based on what? Your few sentences?

Or let me guess, the same words and out of date links which you enjoy repeating, again, and again, and again, in all the blogs that exist in the world...

Or maybe...just maybe...your qouting out of context and pasting useless links to mislead the public hoping that people around wouldn't check on it?

I'm going with J's point of view. You are truly weird. Hope you'd find some happiness soon.

And by the way, hiding behind the "anon" huh? And you'd think bloggers don't know it's you, Bobby...

Mad Smoof said...

I've said it before and I'll say it again: If Fletcher takes issue with a report, then attack the report to the reporter (i.e., call Kilgour and debate it).

Kilgour has rock solid background. Question: did Wu have access to all of the background, investigation, and information that Kilgour did? Um... NO. Don't forget, I've reported here how Wu helped the FBI go after Organ the 80's... no it's somehow not true?