Sunday, January 21, 2007


If your a country who is "peaceful" and you decide to to bring down an old satellite via ballistic missile, do you think it would be LOGICAL to give the world community a "heads up"?

If you decide to blow up your satellite, does your military and political system ponder what might happen to the debris left behind, or...the impact the explosion might have?

If you do blow up a satellite with a military ballistic missile and somehow forget to tell the world about it, forget to consider the implications of the explosion, don't you think, if you are peaceful, you would explain your actions to the world?

So the BIG QUESTION IS: did China know exactly what it was doing when it secretly launched an anti-satellite missile in space, of which, much of the debris has consequences on U.S. Satellites. YOU DECIDE!!!

Concern grows over China's satellite-killing missile test

The United States says China used a ground-based ballistic missile to shoot apart an aging weather satellite on January 11, scattering debris that could damage other satellites and raising risks of escalating military rivalry in outer space.

There's a lot of questions that are out there," said a U.S. official who asked not to be named, saying China had yet to provide answers.

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