Wednesday, February 28, 2007

UN Calls for China to Investigate Abuse of Falun Gong

At times the UN appears to only serve as a propaganda machine. Here's a case where they legitimately ask HR organizations to investigate the FLG abuses by China, with support of the UN... but as usual, the issue is swept under the rug.

KMT blocks call to investigate Falun Gong persecution

The Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) caucus yesterday blocked a legislative resolution that would have asked the UN and international human-rights groups to investigate China's persecution of Falun Gong practitioners.

According to the Taiwan Falun Dafa Association, China has stepped up persecution of Falun Gong members, imprisoning them in concentration camps -- including one in Liaoning Province where some are said to have had organs removed for transplant.


Unknown said...

So many groups and people have been working so hard to get this passed so that Independent groups such as UN and CIPFG could have unfettered access ino China to investigate this persecution.

Its not surprising at all cause we have sent letters to all the Chinese Embassies in Australia for an appointment to discuss our investigation plans . This was nearly 2 months ago and we have had no response.

I guess this will look really bad for the CCP and adds much more weight to the already overwhelming
realization that this is truly happening.

I guess what we need to watch now is how much our leaders are willing to take this further. It will take courage and strength and a righteous commitment .

Perhaps taking a leaf out of Steven Harpers book might be what is required here for a global initiative and resolution.Thank you so much for posting this out for us.

Keep up the good work!!

Anonymous said...

Very sad...the Kuomintangs lost their roots, it seems...

The Chinese communist embassies not responding...sounds like them alright.

And when they do respond, I noticed that there seems to be an absence of factual proves or disproves. Instead, personal attacks at Falun Gong practitioners and anyone else speaking up for human rights in China is a preference adopted by the Chinese communist.

(Which reminds me, Mao Zedong truly knows NO shame as this animal loved to openly threaten the Chinese society by saying, "The communist party is always right. If it is wrong, it is still right")

With all that going on, I sometimes wonder how they control the whole of China with such childishness.

Of course, it is undeniably a fact that the Chinese communist has been using fear to intimidate the Chinese population to such "obedience", which is why the communist party in China fears the Falun Gong, Christians, Tibetans, Uighurs, human rights activists, reporters and democracy.

Mad Smoof said...

Thanks for posting, I enjoy your comments.

Unknown said...

"With all that going on, I sometimes wonder how they control the whole of China with such childishness"

Hi Brad ,

brutality, no allowance of spiritual life or culture suppression, brainwashing, being controlled on threat of death, specific tactics which attack the very best in ones conscience, reward when doing evil; all of these will induce overwhelming fear in ones being so Fear will control the masses .

The only thing the Chinese people have left is their human skin so they value this human life over everything and when that is threatened they will commit any atrocity just to survive. The poor Chinese people they have it just so hard..